Ganmodoki (fried tofu fritter made with vegetables)

Ganmodoki (fried tofu fritter made with vegetables)

Ganmodoki is a fried tofu fritter made with vegetables. XXX-modoki means xxx-ish in Japanese. Gan is a kind of wild goose, and make the fake gan goose food with tofu as a temple vegetarian food (shĂ´jinryorui in Japanese). You can buy it at any shops in Japan, it’s always next to tofu. We also use it as an ingredient with other ingredients or arrange it. But the freshly made crispy and inside fluffy ganmodoki is really yummy, therefore I recommend to taste it just simply with soy sauce, grated daikon radish or karashi (Japanese mustard). This recipe is with carrot, hijiki seaweed, edamame, but you can add or change to other your favourite vegetables (snow pea, lotus roots, mushroom,….) and create your own ganmodoki!